Month: March 2021

25 March 2021
Wednesday 14th April 2021, 2-3 pm. In the context of the exhibition ‘What Photography & Incarceration have in Common with an Empty Vase’, currently on display at the Herbert Art Gallery & Museum, Coventry, Edgar Martins will be in conversation with Fiona Curran and Sarah Matheve of the Koestler Arts Trust as well as Sophie Greener from Grapevine. The speakers will talk about some of the themes explored in the exhibition including isolation, loneliness, loss and mental health.

20 March 2021
Following Format 21's online portfolio review sessions, we have partnered with the Format Festival to select 3 artists to participate in our Artistic Practice Support scheme. Over 150 artists met over two days with 70+ reviewers in close to 800 meetings. Our selected nominees are Maryam Wahid, Helen McGhie and Eelena Helfrecht. Congratulations to these artists.

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