Category: Press

25 October 2024
"Anton's Hand is Made of Guilt. No Muscle or Bone. He has a Gung-ho Finger and a Grief-stricken Thumb", is selected as Book of the Month by Photo London's Book Club.

11 August 2021
Laurence Cornet sits down with Edgar Martins to discuss the award winning photographic project What Photography & Incarceration have in Common with an Empty Vase. According to Cornet, Edgar Martins challenges the imagery of incarceration and isolation by not shooting inside a prison. And by avoiding a more commonplace depiction of his subject, he questions the limits of photography.

2 April 2021
Edgar Martins is interviewed for the Paul Franks show (BBC West Midlands) about his exhibition at the Herbert Art Gallery & Museum: What Photography & Incarceration have in Common with an Empty Vase. Franks and Martins discuss the exhibition itself, the making of the work and the difficulties inherent in working with prison authorities.

10 February 2015
The Macau weekly newspaper, Ponto Final, interviews Edgar Martins about his latest project and collaboration with the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences. This ambitious body of work seeks to scrutinise, expose and hold in tension many of the contradictions and problems inherent in the depiction of death, whilst attempting to understand what death represents through a fundamentally human narrative. As Martins observes these intentions will likely collide, overlap and blur, revealing the fragility of our perceptual and cognitive systems. Titled ‘Strange Fruit: Siloquies..

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