20 January 2016

The Moth House is pleased to announce the launch of Edgar Martins’ new body of work Siloquies and Soliloquies on Death, Life and Other Interludes at Open Eye Gallery (Liverpool, UK).
Produced in collaboration with the National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences in Portugal, this project proposes to scrutinize, expose and hold in tension many of the contradictions and problems inherent in the conceptualisation, definition and depiction of death. These intentions collide, overlap and blur in Martins’ images, revealing the fragility of our perceptual and cognitive systems.
Photography continues to have a pivotal role in the representation of death and in mediating our relationship to death. However, the media’s inability to deal with this issue beyond the glorification of the gory and the bizarre leads to serious omissions with profound consequences.
This exhibition attempts to understand our relationship to death, particularly violent death (namely suicide), and photography’s role in this process.
Siloquies and Soliloquies on Death, Life and Other Interludes is Martins’ most accomplished body of work to date, marking a clear departure from his default methodology. In this project Martins adopts a hybrid approach to photography, which includes fictional and documentary images,  the use and appropriation of previously unseen archive material such as historical photographs, confidential case and medical files, crime and suicide-scene evidence, photo-installation and projection, all the while tapping into the scholarship of several field experts.
Siloquies and Soliloquies on Death, Life and Other Interludes will be presented at Museu da Electricidade/MAAT (Lisbon) in June 2016, Cristina Guerra Contemporary Art (Lisbon) in November 2016, amongst other spaces.
A book of this work will be published by The Moth House in September this year.
If you would like to place an advance order for this book, please contact us.

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