28 November 2020

The Moth House is pleased to announce on on Sat 5th Dec and Sund 6th Dec @ 5pm CET, a series of talks on photobooks with Gloria Oyarzabal, Soumya Sankarbose, June Canedo, Edgar Martins & Sarah Meister, photography curator at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA, New York), in the context of the Aperture & Paris Photo Photobook Awards, organised by Delpire & Co.
These conversations are free and will be held in English.
Other talks comprise:
.Lesley A. Martin in conversation with Deborah Willis (@la.martin_ Creative Director at Aperture, in conversation with @debwillisphoto, guest Editor of Issue 018 of The PhotoBook Review);
.Joshua Chang in conversation with Artur Walter and Brian Wallis (Joshua Chuang, Senior Curator of Photography at the New York Public Library, in conversation with @arturwalther, the Walther Collection and @wallisbrian , about Imagining Everyday Life— origins and features of vernacular photography);
.Azu Nwagbogu in conversation with Benjamin Kewwinkel [@azubogu, founder and director of African Artists’ Foundation (@aaf_lagos) and @lagosphotofestival (Nigeria), in conversation with Benjamin Krewinkel, photo-historian, founder of the platform @africainthephotobook ];
.Laurel Parker in conversation with Buck Ellison and his publisher Loose Joints [Jury member @laurelparkerbook founder and artistic director of Laurel Parker Book studio (Paris), will be in conversation with American artist @buckellison and his publisher, Loose Joints (Marseille)];
.Susan Meiselas in conversation with Carolyn Drake (@susanmeiselas, photographer and director of the Magnum Foundation, in discussion with @drakeycake, author of Knit Club, nominated in the category Photobook of the Year).

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